Pinside  •   Figure of Speech Today, by dorishall09
By dorishall09
Today, 'The Art of Procuring Pleasant Dreams' is considered a classic of English literature. It is still analyzed heavily, not only for its historical context.
By dorishall09
But also for its lessons in how to express a particular concept
By dorishall09
The figure of speech often associated with the work, 'pleasant dreams,' is said to wish people good sleep in most homes in the United States.
By dorishall09
By dorishall09
It has also taken on some additional meanings over time because of its popularity.

By dorishall09
In 1786, Benjamin Franklin wrote one of his most famous essays, 'The Art of Procuring Pleasant Dreams.' Although Franklin had written other papers that the public enjoyed.
By dorishall09
This particular work was highly regarded for its insights and recommendations. Now considered a classic in English literature. Expert from it with the popular figure of speech.
By dorishall09